Frontier News
Frontier is delighted to share lastest news from our desk including latest sponsor announcements, industry insights and our monthly newsletter
The Surge.
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Explore Partnership Opportunities with the Frontier Energy Network
The Frontier Energy Network partnership opportunities are diverse and aimed at catering for all kinds of companies from corporates, supply companies, independents and governments.
Frontier is Proud to Support GESGB/ SEAPEX as Next Generation Sponsor
Frontier is proud to support the GESGB (Geoscience Energy Society of Great Britain)/SEAPEX Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition as the exclusive Next Generation Sponsor.
Introducing... Ian Cross - Regional Leader for South East Asia
In Ian Cross, we have a Regional Leader for South East Asia, who brings with him an encyclopaedic knowledge and understanding of the upstream industry.
Frontier Europe Reception - Catching up with Friends and Making New Connections
Connecting and Collaborating - Frontier European Members’ Reception.
Zanzibar Successfully Launches 1st Licensing Round to the World
We are delighted to announce to the industry that the Zanzibar 1st Licensing Round is now officially open!
Introducing... Amalia Olivera-Riley, Frontier Regional Leader, Europe & UK
When it came to appointing the Frontier Regional Leaders, we always knew that Amalia Olivera-Riley was an obvious choice.
The Surge, Frontier Energy Network’s Monthly Newsletter
Welcome to the February edition of The Surge – designed to keep you connected with all that’s happening within the Frontier Energy Network.
Industry leaders Come Together for Frontier North Africa & East Med Reception
Earlier this week, we hosted our inaugural North Africa & East Mediterranean Reception in Cairo, together with Frontier’s valued Corporate Patron, CGG and Strategic Technology Partner, SLB.
Frontier Prepares to Host Inaugural North Africa & East Med Reception in Cairo
We're looking forward to welcoming an impressive list of confirmed attendees from across the energy industry.
In conversation with… Jennifer Medcalf – Frontier Regional Leader, North America
Jennifer Medcalf's exceptional level of industry knowledge, her desire to enable economic development and her out-and-out enthusiasm for what she does, all combine to create one of the global energy industry’s most respected professionals.
The Surge, Frontier Energy Network’s Monthly Newsletter
Welcome to the January edition of The Surge – designed to keep you connected with all that’s happening within the Frontier Energy Network.
Frontier Energy Network Announces Viridien as Corporate Patron 2024
Frontier Energy Network, which champions connection, collaboration and deal-making in the worldwide energy sector, is delighted to announce Viridien as Corporate Patron 2024. The Corporate Patron position is an annual commitment that enables Frontier to scale Membership in key regions worldwide.
Frontier Energy Network - Thank You for a Great 2023!
As we approach the end of 2023, we want to wish all our Members, Partners and Supporters a happy and peaceful holiday season.
Frontier Visits Gogo Olive Team in Zimbabwe
What a privilege for Frontier to be able to visit the Zimbabwe headquarters of Gogo Olive, the charity we’ve been supporting for a number of years.
The Surge, Frontier Energy Network’s Monthly Newsletter
Welcome to the December edition of The Surge – designed to keep you connected with all that’s happening within the Frontier Energy Network.
Frontier Hosts Inaugural Sub-Sahara Members’ Reception in Windhoek
Namibia is one of the hottest of global energy hotspots and we were delighted to host 60 of the country's industry leaders, including many of our Members, for an evening of networking.
Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy to Deliver Keynote at Frontier Energy Network Sub-Saharan Africa Members’ Reception in Windhoek
Frontier Energy Network, the exclusive community for energy leaders worldwide, is set to host a reception for its Sub-Saharan Africa Members in Windhoek, early next month. The event will be co-hosted by Frontier Corporate Member, SNC Incorporated, a full-service energy, natural resources, corporate and commercial and dispute resolution law firm with offices in Windhoek.
The Surge, Frontier Energy Network’s Monthly Newsletter
Welcome to the November edition of The Surge – designed to keep you connected with all that’s happening within the Frontier Energy Network.
What Makes the Frontier's Global Summits so Popular?
I enjoy the fact that it’s a small group and we’re coming here as friends and trusted people. It provides an environment where we can develop the right relationships. - Amalia Olivera-Riley
Energy is the Solution – Not the Problem
I had plenty of time on the journey home to the UK to reflect on what I’d heard and what I discussed. What struck me was that some very clear themes emerged from the conference, and I think it’s worth sharing those with you.